An Outline of Complete Services

Complete Services are made up of 6 Stages. To help you understand what work is included, we’ve broken down each stage.

Stage 1 - Onboarding

Onboarding includes setting up your profile and creating your Credit Snapshot. The Credit Snapshot is a document created by our team to break down your credit reports and list all negative line items affecting your credit as well as account specific credit recommendations, credit card recommendations, and debt recommendations.

Stage 2 - Initial Disputes

After your account is set up, our team of specialists will create customized dispute letters to be sent to the credit bureaus. These letters will trigger an investigation that will last 30 days in which the credit bureaus and the creditors will review the account information against the requested dispute. Often, the initial disputes do require additional follow up in the form of re-disputes to see continued success and change in reporting status across all three bureaus.

Stage 3 - Validations

If accounts are verified after submitting initial disputes, we further customize dispute reasoning and submit re-disputes for further validation through more in-depth investigations. We will also reach out to original creditors for internal disputes or requests of removal through goodwill. These investigations often lead to more changes in reporting status than initial disputes.

Stage 4 - Escalations

As accounts are validated, our team will personalize escalated casework based on your unique needs. This includes futher validation of debts with creditors and working as an advocate on your behalf to ensure the information on your credit report is fair and accurate. Our Negotiations Team will also review options for Staff Guided Negotiations (expedited negotiations where we coach you on reaching out) or Verbal Negotiations (in which our team reaches out to creditors on your behalf).

Stage 5 - Resolution and Review

After negotiating with creditors, our team will provide creditor validation for the removal of settled account information to the credit bureaus. Throughout this time, our team will also be evaluating your account for a final review.

Stage 6 - File Completion

The final stage of the program will be focused on removal of any dispute notes. These notes are simply comments on reporting line items that lenders will view as a manipulation of score. Our Completion Specialist will also be focusing on additional credit card, debt, and installment loan recommendations to continue building positive credit to help you focus on building positive credit health for the future. They will review your credit goals with you to make sure you’re on track to achieve them.

Casework is individually tailored to each customer based on the number of negative line items reporting, the types of reporting line items, and the account information on each credit bureau. Our team is happy to discuss what timeline can be expected for casework with the completion of a Credit Evaluation.

For more information or to schedule a free credit evaluation, click here.

Alex Grimnes